
In the spirit of American Independence Day, here is NUMERICA. It is a brand new track written late in 2021 after feeling the pandemic closing in all around. It is a cautionary but hopeful tune starting with harmonic dissonance over a pulsing bass thump. The driving sound features our new bassist, Eric G and drives forward until it coalesces into a chant-style bridge.

The many historical flags of the United States of America

The song title is derived from Newmerica the nasty dystopia imagined by Sci-Fi author Blaine Pardoe in his book Blue Dawn (evolved into a series). Inspired by this Orwellian riff on current society that also throws back to the 80s TV series Red Dawn. That mini-series was about an imagined Soviet invasion of the US mainland – thwarted by a grass-roots resistance movement. The spoken word part was inspired by the ritualistic saying of Pol Pot’s crazed homicidal followers